It's almost time to ring in the new year. With it comes the opportunity to start anew, to wipe the slate clean. Hence the New Years Resolution. We'll talk about that in a minute.
The past year was a life changer. First and foremost, we welcomed our beautiful baby girl in April of 2010. Wow, how things have changed. While we weren't your every weekend partiers pre-baby, we definitely made time to get out and do something every weekend, whether it was hanging out with friends at the bar, spending the day shopping, having some delicious sushi and wine, or catching the latest movie in the theater, we were always on the go. Bedtime was rarely before midnight and nothing beat sleeping in the next morning, all snuggled under the warm blankets watching crappy Sunday morning TV. Yes, things have changed greatly but the change has been a blessing. That rare moment in the evening when my daughter lays her head on my chest and plays with my necklace making soft noises just reaffirms that every change, every sacrifice, every sleepless night, was well worth it.
This past year has also brought about a change in my career. While the career path has remained the same for the most part, I finally found a nice fit in another company. I was previously employed for several years at a major international firm in my line of work when I realized late in 2009 that I needed to make a change. I had hit my ceiling at that firm and would need to grow elsewhere. My first switch was to a big name corporation. While it was a great resume builder, it offered very little job satisfaction. I wasn't actively looking to leave this new company right away but was presented another opportunity at a lesser known company, even though it ranked better on the Fortune 500 listing. I decided to pursue the new opportunity and long story short, I made another career move and I feel very happy and very satisfied with my new role. I have found that being happy with your job and your career can go a long way, even improving your overall mood while at home. This has improved my marriage and my ability to be a happy loving mother.
So back to the resolution we go. What is yours? If you had a baby this past year like I did, I'm willing to bet our resolutions are the same. I'm sure you've guessed it by now. LOSE WEIGHT!! If you've had a baby this past year and this is not your resolution, you probably fall into one of two categories. 1) You are happy with your body image. You realize "perfect" doesn't mean being a size 2 with a six pack. Perfect means being "you" the best way you know how. Whether you are a mother/wife or not, you realize that those worth loving will love you just the way you are. To those who fall in this category, more power to you!! I'm slightly envious of you and would love to look in the mirror and smile with complete satisfaction. I'm working on it, but taking baby steps. And then there's the second category: 2) You have no need to lose weight. You either had the time to work hard and get the baby weight off or your excess weight just fell right off without much effort at all. If you fall into this category then blah, I have nothing else to say to you.
So yes, losing weight is my New Year's resolution. I'd like to lose about 10 to 15 pounds. I've decided I'm going to try the 17 Day Diet. I've ordered the book and the video and it's supposed to take 7 to 14 days to arrive, so I have until then to enjoy my junk food. Let me tell you, I've been doing my fair share of fattening up for the new year. Just the other day I ordered two chilitos, a burrito, and a large Pepsi and enjoyed every last crumb. I may as well get my fill because when my book and video arrive, you're looking at a new Amber. As a mom on the go, fast food is often the easiest way out. I'm really looking to changing my life style. I want to set a good example for my daughter. I want her to see me enjoying healthy foods and I want her to grow up eating these same healthy foods, so I've recognized for her to do this I have to change myself first. Being a positive role model is more important than my desire for junk food, so I'm going to reflect that in the upcoming year.
Welcome 2011. Here's to a year filled with healthy eating and happy work days.
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